Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Describing a setting

Here is our class writing today. We were using what we could see, hear, feel and smell to describe a setting. Please write in the comments any more descriptive sentences you can think of...

­I can see black, spooky spider webs in every corner of the room. I walk forward slowly and suddenly I can feel the webs sticking to my face. “AARRGGHH” I scream and rip them off my face. Wolves howl in the night like dogs having a giant evil disco. The smell of old wet wood and dead things rotting hits my nose like I’m stuck in a garbage dump. 


  1. i can hear cockroches crawling by kate r

  2. I can see little bugs starting to come near me aaAAHHH! by Kate C.

  3. I can see a spooky ghost spying from under the stairs.By Esme

  4. I hear creepy monstours noises.Daniel

  5. I smell dead things rotting.Daniel

  6. i can smell rotten rats by ben king

  7. I hear squeaking doors and windows. By Ben Petersen
