Friday, August 23, 2013

Klaudia's special guest

Klaudia's brought a special guest .
We wondered what it was. First we heard a squawk!
Then we saw something move and we realised it was a bird!
Klaudia showed us her rainbow lorikeets and told us all about her bird.

She said "The breed of rainbow lorikeet is mostly native to Australia but these ones were born in the North and South Island of NewZealand .

"We have two Rainbow lorikeets .The one I've brought is called Zazu and the other one's called Shorty. These birds have a sharp point on the tip of their beak so that they can get food that gets stuck between your teeth'', said Klaudia.
The bird licked her lips.

We enjoyed hearing about the lorikeets especially as we had just read a journal story about one called Popeye.
Thank you Klaudia.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 4,

    What fun you have being able to bring your special pets into class to show everyone. Polly, I enjoyed seeing your pet lamb photos (Henny showed me) and Claudia, you have a very colourful Lorikeet! Does it talk?
