Friday, May 29, 2015

The Builder's Pet Story Window.

We read a story called the Builder's Pet.
We had to pick out the 4 main ideas - including the problem, the solution and the ending.
We illustrated each idea onto a strip of card.
We read our story to buddies in Room 10.

Show don't tell.

We wrote a piece about winter but we were not allowed to say the word winter!
We had to show the reader it was winter.

Then we asked Room 13 to help us to log into Google Docs and publish it.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Room 7 is getting ready for our Learning Conferences 15.5 2015

Next week Room 7 are having their Learning conferences.
We are going to share our learning with our parents.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

More about autumn

The Field of Remembrance

The white crosses mark the soldier's spot
Golden leaves surround the crosses.
The names on the crosses were people who went to war.
The classrooms protect the Field of Rememberance. 

The leaves surround the crosses like a golden carpet.
Classrooms protect the crosses.
Children stand thoughtfully, wondering who theses soldiers are..

The leaves make a golden carpet around the crosses.
They flutter down from the trees.
The children wonder why there is a nurse among the soldiers crosses.
We will remember them.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Autumn thoughts May 6


Leaf rubbing and Autumn writing.

Rippa rugby fun on Thursday 7May

Finally we get a chance ..the last 2 Thursday's have been wet. 
We are warming up learning how to leap frog.

Map of the Playground - 30 April 2015 - Phoebe

Me and Hayley did a map to the Turf from the lunch area. We had to put directions on it.

Anzac Day Commemorations at the Domain - 24 April 2015 - Emma & Rowan

The Havelock North Domain was filled with students, parents and helpers. All the Havelock North schools came together as a group at the domain. When we sat down there were thousands but more to come.

Library Visit - April 2015 - Kate C

In the afternoon we went to the lovely library. We went with room 6. We walked there as the library is very close.when we arrived at the library lots of people came in and out to get books out and return them. We got out our bubble catcher and wrote some things about the library. We only went there for a little bit. We had a cool time. People to the library in the holidays, after school and in the weekends.

Library - 23 April 2015 - Lucia

When we arrived at the library we saw lots of people walking in and out of the library. You can borrow books but you have to return them. Some people forget the books. It is bad to forget your books. I would not like to forget my books. The busiest time at the library is the holidays.

Te Reo - April 2015 - Georgia-Grace

In our class we have been learning about greetings in Te Reo. We made books.

Summerset Visit. - 23 March 2015 - Hayley

In the morning we got ready for Summerset. Most of the children in room 7 brought flowers for the old people. Everyone had to choose a car to go to Summerset in. When we got to Summerset we had to wait for a long time. Hugo's great grandmother was at Summerset too. We had lots of fun because my old person told me a story.

Summerset Visit - 31 March 2015 - Kate Rendle

In the early mornings we went to Summerset to go and see old people. They were very nice indeed. The people's names were Rose and Margaret. There were so many rooms. I just couldn't count the rooms as there were so many halls. Hugo's great grandma was there. Room 7 had such a great time at Summerset. We took our "Me Bag" there and then we went in the cars back to school.

Duathlon - 12 March 2015 - Vincent

The Duathlon is when you bike or run with a partner. Individual when you bike and run. You have to do partner first then individual.

Duathlon - March 2015 - Arlo

We were sitting in the lunch area for ages until we could go. We walked our bikes up to the start. Mrs Field clapped two wood blocks together and the bikes were off. We did two laps. At the end of the race we had to "high five" our partner!

Duathlon - 12 March 2015 - Hugo Mossman

Friday 20th March, is the day we did the Duathlon. The Duathlon is when you bike and run with a partner. Individual is when bike and run. But you have to do partner first the individual. You don't have to do individual. The Duathlon is like the Triathlon.

St Luke's - 16 March - Temara

When we went into St Luke's. I looked up at the roof and it looked like an upside boat. It smelt churchie. I felt churchie. It really looked churchie. The people there were really nice and friendly. They showed us around the fancy church.

St Luke's - 16 March 2015 - Amrit Singh

Wow! We went to St Luke's. It was my first time going there. When I went inside I saw glowing windows. They glowed in my eyes. The top was like an upside down boat.

Remembering Summer - 10 March 2015 - Oliver

In the afternoon we were writing about Summer and we were following a pattern like "my feet remember running in the hot sand" and "my arms remember diving in the water" and "my feet remember touching the cold water".

Remembering Summer - 10 March 2015 - Daniel

One day we were writing about Remembering Summer examples are;

"my legs remember getting tanned on the hot sand"
"my body remembers splashing in the cold water"
"my feet remember running on the hot sand"

Art - Term One - Sophie McIntosh

We did a still life portrait and a perspective drawing both with Mrs Hodgkinson. We did the still life portraits with jovies. We did the perspective drawing with jovies and dye. The still life portraits were of things we like.

Art - Term One - Esme Morison

We did a still life portrait and a perspective drawing both with Mrs Hodgkinson.

Village Pools - 6 March 2015 - Rowan Squire

On the 6 March we went to Village Pools and saw Adam. He told us shears of things. He told us a story about a woman who climbed the wall and banged her head on a tile and died. He told us the rules of the pools. Then we walked back to school. 

Village Pools Visit - 6 March 2015 - Emma Ellis

On the 6.3.16 we went to ther village pools and saw Adam. He told us heaps of things. He told a story about a woman who climbed the wall and banged her head on a tile and died. He also told us the rules of the Swimming Pool. Afterwards we walked back to school.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

February 26. Perimeter

We made a shape with a metre long straw  and some string . We had to add  up the sides and find the perimeter.

Me Bags - 25 February 2015 - Ben Petersen

We created Me Bags my buddy was Jacob in Room 6.
I showed Jacob a picture of my cat Poppy, a picture of my family and a mine craft diamond ore block.
Firstly we glued pictures of things we liked on our bags and shared them in our class.
We enjoyed sharing our Me bags with our buddy in Room 6. We did a Venn diagram to compare our favourite things.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Me Bags - 25 February 2015

We made a bag and filled it with things that we liked.